Selezionati tra i migliori studi fotografici di matrimonio in Italia

Anfm is the best Italian wedding photography association, it guarantees the professionalism of the studio for future customers as well as contributing to constant training in the sector. We are delighted to be part of it and recommend all our colleagues to join! Inside the association you will find sector contests, different photographic styles and a very high level in photography.

From this year we are happy to be selected as Anfm Selected photographers and therefore to be part of the Italian elite. The Anfm selected guarantees are really only for a few studies of the association and guarantee a very high level of quality.

The moment a photographer becomes Anfm, he is evaluated by several Anfm judges, with a real vote, on an Artistic – Technical – Qualitative basis. The best studios voted by all the judges are awarded the title of Anfm Selected which certifies the photographic studio among the best wedding photography suppliers in Italy.

For this reason we are particularly proud to be recognized with such a nationally important title!

Anfm also allows couples of future spouses to search for photographers within its portal. you can access the site from this link

The association gives guidelines on the choice of the wedding photographer that I report to you, always considering them very useful in choosing the right photographer!

Look for your style,

There are so many photographers that you will certainly find what is right for you. Concentrate on the photos also found online, on those that make you think “I would like it too!”. So understand what you really prefer. Photos posing to always be beautiful? Genuine and spontaneous shots from a wedding reportage? Or lifestyle photos, as fashion and design newspapers have accustomed us? At this point you know what kind of photographer to look for.

Look at whole services,

not single photos, of the photographers you are interested in so as to evaluate the yield on the whole day, not on a single shot. Space: go beyond the boundaries of your geographical area to find the right photographer for you. The trip does not have much impact on the cost of the service. And in return your satisfaction will increase.

Set the basics,

or the duration of the service, the cost, the extra services, the essential moments, especially if they go even beyond the canonical ones such as the ceremony or the cutting of the cake

.Stipulate a contract,

A professional always offers a clear contract, a guarantee for both parties. Inside are indicated the prices (even those for any services not included), the duration of his presence on the wedding day, if he will be accompanied by an assistant and / or a second photographer, the names of the professionals present, the number of photos delivered compared to those taken, delivery times.